Sheepskin Rug

Sheepskin Rug


This 100% natural sheepskin throw elevates an ordinary bit of your home to the deluxe nook you’ve been longing to snuggle into. Sourced worldwide from farmers who know their stuff, each unique throw is hand selected for the finest quality. It’s eco-tanned and free from nasties with a cloud-like softness to make you swoon. Simply arrange on your favorite chair and curl up with a book or spread across beds or sofas for a dash of understated charm.

Size: approx. 95-100 cm x 60 cm

Care: We believe the best interiors are comfortable ones, made to last. To get the best from your sheepskin avoid direct sunlight or storage in damp conditions. A regular brush will really help to bring out the best. To clean, just rub gently with a damp, soapy cloth.

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